I have worked hard to record all 9 etudes from Joseph Tompkins 9 French American Rudimental Etudes. More information can be found in my blog post! The entire playlist is on my YouTube account.

I wrote Tamboro in the Spring of 2017 and premiered it on my Master’s recital in the Fall of 2018. Since then, it has been played at the Pennsylvania Day of Percussion through PAS, and also by the West Chester University faculty.

If you are so inclined, there is a great video of my entire last Doctoral Recital performed in Katzin Concert Hall at Arizona State University. Selections include Khan Variations by Alejandro Viñao, Asanga by Kevin Volans, Rebonds A by Iannis Xenakis, and Book of Grooves Mvt. 4, by Viñao.